Monday, May 26, 2014

Monday Update

The procedure yesterday went well, they were able to clean a large section of the lungs out. There is still some small areas that need more treatment which can be done with medication and breathing treatments. However his fever is down & this morning they have him in the chair. He is breathing at about 40% on his own. So we are getting closer to getting the tubes out and hopefully getting him transferred to rehab soon. 

Hoping to see lots of improvements today but overall he has progressed quite a bit from the past few days. 


  1. Debbie...Davids mom..May 27, 2014 at 5:20 AM

    SO glad to hear this!!!! I wish he knew, how many are praying and are behind him in this.... Jordan..we are thinking of you!!!

  2. So much better news!!!!
    Love you Jordan and I can see that so many other people do too!! You are a fighter and will get thru this!

    Love Aunt Celeste
