Saturday, May 31, 2014

Saturday Update

Jordan has had a hard time adjusting to the  tracheotomy so he is still uncomfortable and becoming agitated.     He broke through his restraints earlier due to this, however his nurse made sure to let him know what could happen if he pulled on the tubing so he seems to be ok now. 
They still want to stick to the day/ night schedule of no visitors after 10pm to allow him to rest. We are hoping for another day tomorrow of progress. His alertness is definitely back but he has some struggles with keeping the trach breathing tube clear. All will come in time. We need to keep him positive and understanding that we need his cooperation to get him out. 

Sorry for the delay in posting today.,, Thanks everyone!! 

Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday post procedure update

The tracheotomy went good but he had some reactions to the anesthesia so they have sedated him. He will be resting for awhile. 

Friday Update

Jordan was resting well this morning. He is scheduled for the procedure for around 12:00pm he should be back in his room around 2:00pm . 

We will update you all as soon as we know more. Hoping this procedure will allow him to be more comfortable. 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thrusday Update

Last night was rough for Jordan as the pain medicine was reduced the past two days. Which caused him to be extremely agitated however he had some late night company to help keep him calm. 

Today they put him back on the morphine drip to help him be more comfortable. So he has rested most of the day.

He is still scheduled for the tracheotomy tomorrow morning unless something changes tonight.

So we will update you tomorrow after the procedure. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday Update

Jordan today is still intubated, he was still fairly alert however was having some discomfort so they give him some pain medicine to make him more comfortable, he is resting right now.

After meeting with the doctors this morning Jordan is not ready yet for the tubing to come out. They are worried still about the small areas of infection still affecting his breathing. However they have dicussed the possibility of another procedure that will help him be more comfortable while still having the tubes. It would be a temporary tracheotomy this will allow for him to communicate verbally and be more comfortable but also allow a direct airway for the doctors to use to assist with his breathing if needed. He will not need this for very long just short term to get him to transition medically to rehab. The plan as of right now is to perform this procedure Friday morning, however if he progresses in the next two days it may not be needed.

Jordan is now aware of his injury again as he is more alert, so his emotions are running high which was to be expected. 

We thank you all for the support he has received the past few weeks. He will get through this time in his life because of the support he has from all of you. 


Letters for Jordan

There has been such a huge amount of support for Jordan and we've been wanting to write down who visits him but there has been so many it's hard to keep track.

So we are wanting to have letters for Jordan, whether it's a memory you have of him, well wishes or just to help motivate him. We want to compile them all together in a book for him to read while at rehab. 
If you prefer to email the letter you can email it to or mail it to 11228 Jasper Grove Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89138 

Or call Brittany if you would like to meet to give it in person. 702-325-9623

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday afternoon update and visiting schedule

This afternoon Jordan's temperature went up and he would become agitated but has had someone near him the entire time to keep him calm. The doctors are hoping for a restful night so hopefully tomorrow they can plan on taking the tubing out so he can breath on his own.  

Also they want to get him on a day/night schedule so he is resting and calm at night and more alert during the day. So from 10:00pm to 6:00am please no visitors, they want to limit it to immediate family at that time. 
Please respect their wishes as this will benefit his recovery.

Also please remember the Trauma Unit  still has their no visiting hours between 6pm-9pm 

Thank you everyone 

Tuesday Update

They have started taking him off morphine today which has caused him to be more alert and agitated so we are trying to keep him calm. He still has the breathing and feeding tube in and he is now being assisted by 60% breathing. 
Hoping to get that lower again so they can remove the tubing to continue his progress.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Monday Update

The procedure yesterday went well, they were able to clean a large section of the lungs out. There is still some small areas that need more treatment which can be done with medication and breathing treatments. However his fever is down & this morning they have him in the chair. He is breathing at about 40% on his own. So we are getting closer to getting the tubes out and hopefully getting him transferred to rehab soon. 

Hoping to see lots of improvements today but overall he has progressed quite a bit from the past few days. 

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sunday update

As of 11:30am today his temperature came down slightly and his breathing remains supported but he is doing better.  He looks good and is resting well.
The doctors did take another culture yesterday and the results today showed no organisms which is very good so currently he is not on antibiotics however they will continue to moniter his temperature to determine if more antibiotics are needed

 They plan to do a more advanced procedure this afternoon that will continue the progress of cleaning out the lungs. Overall his is making small steps of progress. 

We will update you all later today with more info post procedure. 

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Saturday Update

As of this afternoon Jordan's temperature was down a little and seems to be breathing easier. Hopefully this progress continues so he can be able to breathe on his own again without the tubes. 
Please continue to have positive thoughts and pray for him. 

Friday, May 23, 2014

Friday update

Jordan is still fighting pnemonia and running a fever. There had the cooling blanket on him this morning and then switched him to a chair for the afternoon. The are hoping to see improvements very soon. 

In the meantime we are working finalizing the next time once he is transferred out of trauma. 

We willl update you tomorrow.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thrusday Update

Unfortunately Jordan still has the two strains of Pneumonia and is still intubated and running a fever. They have cooling blankets on again, to help the fever and have his bed on a constant vibration to assist the lungs. They switched around his antibiotics today and feel as though we should see improvements from them soon. He is resting and looks  comfortable . The plan is to still have him intubated for the next 1-2 days. 

Hopefully tomorrow we can give you all some better news.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Donating to Jordan

With the serious spinal injury Jordan has suffered he will be needing a specialty rehab facility and lots of assistance once he has competed rehab.  His insurance has authorized 30 days at rehab however they feel he will be needing at least 60 days there. He will also be needing equipment post rehab to help him continue his progress and home modification to accommodate his special needs.  

We want to thank each and everyone of you who have already donated. Raising the amount of money that has been donated so far in such a short period of time was absolutely amazing and we can't thank everyone enough for your support!  

However more is still needed to help Jordan. So if you would like to make a donate or know of someone who would like to donate please pass on the information below.

A account has been set up at Chase Bank: 

Account name: Jordan A. Kundert Special Needs Trust  

Account #:3026062678

If you would like to donate via check you can write the check to the account name above. If you contact Brittany Burgos she can arrange to meet/pick up from you. 
Call or text: 702-325-9623 

You can also take the check into your local Chase Branch

Chase Bank will accept personal/buisness checks, cashier checks, and money orders from non Chase customers. As well as credit & debit cards, however your banking institution may charge a fee for withdrawing but Chase will not charge a fee to you. 

If you were wanting to still donate via the account is still open :

There is still the fundraiser on June 14th for Jordan at Pole Position Summerlin were half the race proceeds go to Jordan as well as the proceeds from the raffle and silent auction. 

Thank you everyone for your continued support for Jordan. We can not thank you all enough!

-Jordan's Loved Ones  

Wednesday Update

Jordan is still dealing with the Pneumonia and running a fever. The nursing staff today allowed for him to come out of sedation for alittle bit today while switching his medication. He seemed very comfortable however later in the day he started getting agitated again, so the nurse up'd his sedation more. 
He still needs a lot of rest and is not fully awake as he still has the breathing and feeding tubes in. 

Hopefully tomorrow we will see more improvement from the pneumonia.

Thanks everyone! 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday Update

Jordan is still sedated and at UMC Trauma. He has been running a fever for the past couple days however they have been doing chest X-rays daily and today's showed improvements from yesterday's so there is some progress.  He still on the breathing and feeding tubes. 

We will continue to update you further. 

Fundraiser for Jordan June 14th

Please come and bring everyone you know!  June 14th @ Pole Position Summerlin

Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday May 19th

Unfortunately today we haven't seen much change. Jordan is still sedated and the letting the medicine and breathing tubes do the work they need to. 

He has a great nursing staff working with him and keeping his body moving as much as it needs to. 

They are projecting it may be a couple days before we see any improvements. However they do believe they caught the penomina  early enough to keep it under control.

Keep the prayers and positive thoughts coming. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sunday Evening Update

Jordan is still sedated, unfortunately his  pneumonia has gotten worse. However the doctors and nursing staff have determined exactly what medication is needed to kill the virus. They are taking all the appropriate measures to get him through the pneumonia.  Moving him often in different positions to try and loosen the mucus in his chest to help get his lungs clear. They will be keeping him sedated for atleast two more days here in Trauma at UMC. 

Thank you everyone who has been support us in allowing him to rest. Please continue to do so, we will update you all when anything changes.

Sunday Update

As of 12pm today they will not be taking any of the tubing out today. They are  moving  his body around in different positions which is causing him to be very agitated.  However they just gave him more sedation medication to allow him to rest. 

We will give another update around 6pm today for everyone. Please allow him to rest as he needs it. 


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Saturday Evening Update

As of 6pm this evening they have removed the drain tube from his left lung. They are weening him off the morphine and onto a new pain medication. As expected he is having some withdrawal issues causing some agitation, but they are monitoring him very closely. They believe if all goes well through the night they will remove all breathing and feeding tubes tomorrow.

We appreciate all of your support but we ask that we let Jordan rest throughout the next 12 to 18 hours and  even till hey have been able to remove the tubes if they haven't yet in that time frame. While they are weening him off some of the medication he becomes more alert at times and if anyone is around he wants to respond but it hurts him to respond so we need to allow him to rest.


Saturday update

Today will hopefully be a day of transition for Jordan. The plan from the doctors this morning is to take him of the breathing machines prior to taking the tubes out to ensure he can breathe comfortable on his own. They attempted to this morning however he was very comfortable so they will be trying again this afternoon. He is still sedated so please respect the trauma units goal today as he and them need to focus on getting him to breath on his own. We will update as soon as he has alert again.

Thanks everyone. 

Friday, May 16, 2014


Jordan is still sedated and the doctors discussed this morning they would leave him sedated and the tubes in all day. They are going to try to take the tubes out and him off sedation tomorrow at some point. He looks very comfortable while sedated which is very good and allowing his body time to heal.  

He still has peunimonia, however the culture they took yesterday has helped them determine the medicine needed to kill the virus so hopefully by tomorrow he will be free of peunimonia. 

Those asking to donate still please hold off  from donating to, as his father Tim is setting up a trust account that will be ready to accept funds early next week we will let you know as soon as there is more information.

Thanks for the support for Jordan everyone.

Here is a photo from Saturday at the hospital! 

Thursday, May 15, 2014


With Jordan having pneumonia the hospital has recommend we get the word out everyone visiting him. PLEASE wash or sanitze hands in and out before going to the room. As this will help eliminate any further infection.


Thrusday Afternoon

Jordan is still heavily sedated from this morning and will be for at least another day possibly even longer. He is currently fighting pneumonia so we are wanting him to rest as much as possible. So if you still plan to visit while he is sedated, please respect the staffs and families wishes to let him rest. We will update everyone as soon as he is off of sedation and alert as that may go into the weekend.

Remember that the Trauma Unit has a no visiting hours section between 6-9pm daily.


Visitors & Update - Thrusday May 15th

Wednesday afternoon Jordan had been fighting a fever and was having trouble breathing. So last night the staff decided to help make Jordan more comfortable by placing him on a machine that will do the work for him and help eliminate the others problems he has been fighting.

He is currently in a sedated state, so if you still want to come to the hospital to support Jordan please do, some of the family and friends will be here throughout the day hanging out.  We ask to limit the visitors to the hospital room today until Jordan is back to breathing on his own again.

Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers. We will update you all as soon as there is more information.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Update on Jordan's recovery process

On Saturday May 10th Jordan was out riding  his dirt bike with his friend Kris and had suffered a very severe crash. He was then air lifted to UMC Trauma center, where they accessed he had suffered a collapsed lung and severe spinal damage.  The out pour of support he received that night from family and friends was amazing and the next day was spent deciding the surgery procedure that would be preformed the following day.

On Monday morning Jordan went in for surgery with Dr. Daubs, who then performed spinal surgery where he recovered the bone fragments from the spinal cord and placed a cage to repair the damage to multiple vertebrae, the focus being in the T5- T6 region. Surgery was completed around 6pm that evening. The following day Jordan was breathing on his own  and recovering in the trauma unit. The next goal is to downgrade Jordan from Trauma to a Intermediate Care Unit (IMC) at the hospital. We are hoping that is done in the next couple of days. However he is still in alot of pain and  fairly tired post surgery and resting. Visitors are welcome to visit at the hospital however the Trauma Unit does not allow visitors between 6-9 p.m.

Many of you have asked the status of Jordan's ability to walk, at this time he can not feel movement below his chest. Dr. Daubs also stated post surgery that it will be a hard battle for him going forward to regain feeling. However Jordan is a VERY determined young man and we all have high hopes for him going forward. We are currently researching and discussing with medical professionals the best options for Rehabilitation centers and hoping to get Jordan to one as soon as he is ready.

WE THANK YOU ALL for the support and donations;personally and through There is several various fundraisers being discussed to help assist with Jordan's future needs, so we will update as we have more information on those events.

This page has been created to assist with getting updates regarding Jordan to those concerned and following his progress. We are hoping this page will keep you all updated and at the same time allow the family to focus on Jordan's Recovery.